Cube Zanzibar in collaboration with My Mind My Hand, An Endeavor Initiative organized a program of virtual seminar series focused on Empowering Youth through Social Entrepreneurship that was held from 16th of January to 27th of March 2021 at Cube Zanzibar Innovation Space.
The main objective of the Virtual seminar series of Empowering Youth through Social Entrepreneurship was to enable Female University Students of first and second year to view social Entrepreneurship as an opportunity to develop their confidence, knowledge and skill sets whilst uplifting their families and communities economically and socially
The program took ten weeks, where 13 female students from different Universities of Zanzibar joined the program. Students spent two hours of studying at Cube Zanzibar hub in every day of lesson.
About nine students completed the course, awarded the certificates of recognition and five of them are still mentored by instructors from bioEndeavor Initiative.