The project was funded by UKAid through the Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF). This project was implemented from February 2020 to January 2021. The aim of the project was to help Cube Zanzibar to diversify, improve and commercialize its services in a way that would allow it to strengthen the innovation and technology ecosystem in Zanzibar and become financially independent.
Throughout the project’s implementation period, HDIF provided its expertise, financial and technical support to Cube Zanzibar.
Enhancing Cube Innovation space project has been implement in to two phases;
Program phase consisted of upgrading the services the cube Zanzibar is currently doing in order to make them more sustainable and developing proper business models in each services that currently are implemented and sustainably strengthen the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Zanzibar.
Introducing new services: that will be implemented by Cube Zanzibar. These include co-working space, creative lab, online library, meeting and conference space.
Project Performance
The cube Zanzibar innovation hub is up and running, also the cube Zanzibar team has improved their working capacity and the team has increased in numbers. Before the project, it had only two contract employees but now Cube has five contract employees and two volunteers.
Cube managed to develop 12 policies and guidelines as working tools for its administration and building the institution reform to complete.
Cube Zanzibar hub has enough spaces to sustain its operations; two working rooms, two co-working spaces, two training rooms, one bedroom and three units of office spaces.
The second aim of stimulating Zanzibar entrepreneurship ecosystem has been achieved by more than 100%; increasing the number of Zanzibar youths engaging in entrepreneurship activities.
More University students engage in Cube Zanzibar programs and two approached us to sign MoU with us.
Support existing business and startups where more than 20 established business supported and 353 Zanzibar youths trained on entrepreneurship skills and skills development training programs.
Increasing numbers of National and International collaborated institutions that we worked with.